Welcome! I study Computer Science at USC. With a particular interest in Full Stack Development and Natural Language Processing, I'm always eager to explore and innovate. Currently, I am at LUKA Lab and DILL Lab, working on entity bias and backdoor attacks.
In my freetime, I love playing basketball/football or exploring the world in Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Fluent in a variety of programming languages including Java, Python, JavaScript, and C++, my true love lies with C++. Exploring and innovating are more than just hobbies - they're a way of life. Here's a snapshot of me!
Fei Wang, Wenjie Mo, Yiwei Wang, Wenxuan Zhou, and Muhao Chen
Click here to check this paper on ARXIVGPA: 3.8/4.0
USC Dean's List 2020, 2021, 2022 (top 10%)
CURVE Undergraduate Research Fellowship (top 2%), on Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Coursework: Software Engineering, Algorithm and Theory of Computing, Data Structure and Object Oriented Design, Artificial Intelligence, Computer System
Worked on mobile full-stack development on Mubu, an app for collecting and analyzing user sentiment data from users' dairy; consultation and suggestions for users will be presented by a visual cartoon character-Mubu.
Developed visualization and explanation of the result of NLP model in front-end using Flutter in Android Studio.
Integrated a trained sentiment-analysis model from HuggingFace for predicting users' emotions with Pytorch; developed a feature to improve users' mental health based on sentence-to-sentence analysis of users' diaries.
Helped to publish the mobile app in the Apple store and has received hundreds of installations nationwide.
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Do not hesitate to contact me!